Welcome to DAYAA’s Tee Ball and Tiny Tikes Programs!  We are a non-profit recreational league that serves the Derry Area and surrounding communities. Our mission is to foster the physical and mental development of our youth. T-Ball is a sport designed to introduce kids to the basics of learning how to throw, catch, and bat in a fun team atmosphere. Participants get active while learning useful sports skills and making friends. Tikes and tee ball are co-ed programs. 

Which Program is right for my child?

~Tikes Program is for 3 and 4 year old's who are just starting with team sports. This program requires parent/guardian involvement and starts with the basics. Clinics will be 45 minutes 1-2 days a week and guided by coaches. No true games will be played. Tikes must be 3 by April 1st 2024

~Tee Ball is appropriate for youth ages 4 - 6. This program is great for children who have team experience and are able to take directions from a coach. Children will be placed on teams and play games. 

** Listening skills are important for any team sport, including tee ball. If a younger player (4-5 years old) cannot listen or follow directions, you might want to consider waiting until they are more mature before placing them in what could be a frustrating situation. Better to wait and have a good experience, than rush it and turn them off from baseball.

Tee Ball

What to expect: T-Ball is the opportunity to build your child's love of baseball.  This will include unique ways to have practice, while teaching the core fundamentals: Throwing, Running, Catching, Hitting, Fielding. Your child will typically have 2-3 interactions with their team a week. Each team will be anywhere between 8-12 players based on registration numbers.  There will be a mix of practices and games.  Practices and games are no longer than 1 hour.  By the end of tee ball, a player should be able to properly grip a bat and hit a ball off a tee, run the bases in correct order, generally know how to field a ground ball, throw a ball correctly (e.g. “step and throw”), and have a general knowledge of the positions (first base, second base, shortstop, etc.). 

Where are the games and practices held? We utilize the tee ball field at the DAYAA Baseball Complex at 1 Huston Street, Derry.

When will we hear about what team my child is on?  Registration will be begin mid-January and end beginning of March Tee ball teams are created around the end of March/beginning of April. Your child’s coach will reach out to you once the teams are formed. 

When will practices and games start?  Tee ball teams start practice in early to mid-April (as long as the weather cooperates).  Games usually start about 3 weeks after practices have started (weather permitting) and games run into early June.  Typically, the first few weeks of the season are two practices during the week (evenings) and one Saturday morning/early afternoon.  Games follow the same time schedule.  

Who coaches the kids and what do I do if I'd like to help?  All coaches and team parents are volunteers. If you are interested, please indicate that when you register your child. All coaches and team parents must have the required clearances before the start of the season. Please see the “Become A Coach” section.

What equipment does my child need?  Kids should have their own baseball glove, tee ball bat and batting helmet.  

What does my child need to wear for practices and games?  For practices it is recommended to wear a t-shirt and long pants in case there is any sliding.  The pants could be sweat pants, baseball pants or anything they are comfortable in.  Each child gets a team t-shirt and hat to be worn to games, and they can wear the same type of pants as described for practices.  

Payment: $45 per player (There is no sibling discount for tee ball) Check, cash or credit card ($2.25 processing fee) will be accepted. Check made payable to DAYAA with your child’s first and last name in the memo.  

***Each family is required to volunteer in the concession stand twice during the spring season.  Each family is required to submit a $100 volunteer check.  This will be returned once you have fulfilled your volunteer requirements.  If your requirement is not met the check will be cashed at the end of the spring season***

***We will be having three fundraisers throughout the 2024 Spring season***

- Registration will begin online Friday January 19th, 2024 until Friday March 1, 2024

IN-PERSON REGISTRATION February 18thth 4p-6p

- Open to all of Derry and surrounding communities

Tiny Tikes

What to expect: The Tiny Tikes program is for our youngest of ball players. Tikes will be starting from the very beginning.  Learning the bases, what hand to wear their glove on and how to hold a bat. The coach will lead practice but parent participation is vital for this program to work. Practices will be 1-2 days a week lasting no longer than 45 minutes. During that time, players will rotate through stations working on throwing, catching and hitting.  We will finish off the season with a little game play with the players and parents. Season will begin mid-April and go into early June.

Where are the practices held? We utilize the tee ball field at the DAYAA Baseball Complex at 1 Huston Street, Derry.

What equipment does my child need?  Kids should bring their own baseball glove. 

What does my child need to wear for practices and games?  For practice it is recommended to wear comfortable clothing. Please note that field dirt is difficult to get out of clothing. Each child gets a team t-shirt and hat that can be worn.

Payment: $45 per player (There is no sibling discount for tikes or tee ball) Check, cash or credit card ($2.25 processing fee) will be accepted. Check made payable to DAYAA with your child’s first and last name in the memo.  

- Registration will begin online Friday January 19th, 2024 until Friday March 1, 2024

IN-PERSON REGISTRATION February 18th 4p-6p